Training Demand Recognized After Operators Unlimited
Hosts Successful In-person Continuing Education Training Event

Operators Unlimited held its first in-person continuing education event since 2019 over a two-day training on May 11-12 at the Greenville University Center. This event was open to any wastewater operator seeking continuing education credits or studying for the wastewater operator’s licensing exam(s). With maximum registration achieved and a waiting list established, Operators Unlimited is considering offering a second training session in the coming months. 

Training Event
Training Host
Education Event

Attendees represented operators from private industrial pretreatment plants, municipal facilities and engineering firms. Participants earned 6 hours of continuing education credits per day attended for a total of 12 continuing education credits. Topics covered included: chemical feed pumps, wastewater sampling and documentation, wastewater mathematics, safety protocols and more. 

Attendee feedback highlighted two advantages of attending continuing education training facilitated by Operators Unlimited, including instructor knowledge and question and answer sessions. David Collyer, Education Specialist at Operators Unlimited offers knowledgeable insights and presentations from both physical chemical and biological perspectives. Secondly, the interactive question and answer sessions offered valuable information and solutions. The decades of experience represented in the class, combined with the operators’ Q and A participation offered factual, practical and experienced suggestions and solutions to problems all operators encounter. 

Wastewater operators are required to participate in biannual continuing education credit courses, as directed by the SCLLR (South Carolina Labor Licensing Regulation). Licensees must obtain 12 hours (clock hours) of continuing education between July 1, 2019, and June 30, 2021.

Operators interested in attending the next training event are encouraged to visit the educational resources section of the Operators Unlimited website. Upcoming class information is posted here and there is an option to register to be notified of upcoming events.

I thoroughly enjoyed the CEU event you held. I appreciate the time and effort you provided to make this possible. The information presented was very informative and worthwhile. Thanks again.”

-Don M., Wastewater Pretreatment Supervisor